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Letter - Letter from Francis I to ambassador Louis d’Angerand, Sieur de Boisrigault | McCord Museum
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Lettre de François Ier à l'ambassadeur Louis d’Angerand, sieur de Boisrigault


Letter from Francis I to ambassador Louis d’Angerand, Sieur de Boisrigault
Date September 21, 1534
Dimensions1 textual record ; 27.8 x 19.1 cm
Origin France, Europe
Object NumberS001/A1.1,1.1
Scope and ContentThe king of France, Francis I (1494-1547), asks his ambassador Louis Daugerant de Boisrigault to order the seigneur of Geneva to free Guy Furditi, of Cordot, a Dominican friar and subject of the king of France who had been imprisoned for religious views judged reprehensible. This request came on the heels of the liberation by the king of France of a number of prisoners who were subjects of the seigneurs of Geneva and Bern and who had been imprisoned in France for religious reasons.
NotesSource of title: based on the nature of the document.

Signatures and inscriptions: letter signed by the king “Francoys” and countersigned by Jean le Breton, minister of finance to the king of France; on the verso, in script contemporary to the document: “A Monseigneur de Boisrigault mon ambassadeur devers les services des ligues. 1534, 21 sept”; in more modern script: “François I. 21 sept. 1534.”

Physical description: seal.

Physical condition: good.
Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
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Digitized under wrong filename. Filename should read M969.170.21
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.