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Report - Property statement of the Rang des Quarante Farm | McCord Museum
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Relevé de la Ferme du Rang des Quarante


Property statement of the Rang des Quarante Farm
Date 1950-1951
Dimensions1 textual record ; 30 x 22 cm
Origin Saint-Ours, Quebec, Canada
Object NumberM2006.112.4.4
CreditGift of Louis-Joseph Cartier Family in memory of Cécile Richard and Marthe Richard-Blanchard This document was digitized thanks to the generous support of Sun Life Financial
Scope and Content

This typescript is a description of the Rang des Quarante Farm, a property owned by Jeanne Cartier in the county of Verchères. It details the farm's history, layout, buildings, crops, livestock, and property value.


Language: The document is in French


Last update: February 15, 2019

Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Reglement Par lequel le Roy Ordonne que tous les Negocians qui feront Equiper dans les Ports du Royaume des Vaisseaux pour des Voyages de long cours, dont les Equipages seront de Quarante hommes & au dessus, seront obligez d'y Embarquer des Aumôniers, à peine de Deux cens livres d'Amende.
June 5, 1717 - June 8, 1717
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Report on the movements of the various councillors sitting on the Royal Councils
November 26, 1719 - December 1, 1720
Report of the returning officer on the Northumberland county election to Assembly of Lower Canada
August 20, 1824
Opinion of Parliament of Paris lawyers for Jeffery Amherst regarding the management of the Jesuits’ assets
September 17, 1788
Information for the Officers of the Navy and Army, Proprietors of Land in the Island St. John's in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and for the other now remaining Proprietors thereof
The Appendix to the First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Losses occasioned by the Troubles in Canada, during the Years 1837 and 1838
June 6, 1849
Report made to the National Assembly on behalf of the pensions committee with regard to the aid granted to Acadians and Canadians
Ordonnance du Roy, Pour proroger jusqu'au premier Avril 1746. le Complet des Bataillons que Sa Majeste' a créez par ses Ordonnances du 25. Août 1745. Du vingtiéme Janvier mil sept cens quarante-six.
February 24, 1746
Ordonnance du Roy, Pour mettre le Regiment de Cavalerie du Roy Stanislas, sous le titre de Royal-Pologne, & luy faire prendre rang dans la Cavalerie, immediatement après le Regiment Royal de Carabiniers. Du 30. Mars 1737.
March 30, 1737 - March 31, 1737

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.