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[titre à corriger] | McCord Museum
Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Letter from Henry VII, King of England, to Mr. Robert Lytton
[titre à corriger]
October 29, 1498
Dimensions1 textual record ; 10.8 x 22.8 cm
England, Europe
Object NumberS001/B1.2,1.1
DivisionArchives - Textual Archives
Scope and ContentLetter from King Henry VII dated October 29 in the fourteenth year of his reign (i.e. 1498), at Westminster Palace, and addressed to Sir Robert Lytton, keeper of the king’s Great Wardrobe, asking him to deliver by the intermediary of John Fligh, yeoman of the Robes, several articles, including a large robe of purple velvet, satin with which to make a jacket, two black caps, two swords and two stoles of embroidered black velvet.NotesSource of title: based on the nature of the document.
Signatures and inscriptions: signed “HR” (“Henricus Rex,” Henry the King).
Physical description: vellum paper; seal.
Language of the document: the document is in English.
General notes: photocopy available.
Signatures and inscriptions: signed “HR” (“Henricus Rex,” Henry the King).
Physical description: vellum paper; seal.
Language of the document: the document is in English.
General notes: photocopy available.
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Letter from James Stuart, King of Scotland and England, to the Earl Marshal
May 11, 1617
Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui déclare l'Amende de mille livres portée par l'Article XXXVII. Du Titre Commun pour toutes les Fermes, encouruë par les Sieurs Gilles du Raux, Sénéchal de la Jurisdiction de Dinan, & Arnauld, Procureur du Roy audit Siége, au profit de Duverdier, Fermier General du Tabac, pour s'estre immiscé en la connoissance des affaires de la Ferme du Tabac ; Et défend ausdits Juges & à tous autres que ceux des Fermes, de connoître à l'avenir, & sous quelque prétexte que ce soit, des affaires concernant la Ferme du Tabac, tant Civiles que Criminelles, circonstances & dépandances, sous les peines portées par lesdits Articles XXXV. XXXVI. & XXXVII. du Titre Commun de l'Ordonnance du mois de Juillet 1681. cy-dessus, lesquels seront cencées encouruës par le seul fait. Du 15 Septembre 1722.
September 15, 1722
Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui Ordonne qu'il sera passé à la Compagnie des Indes un Contract d'Alienation, à titre d'Engagement, des Droits composans le Domaine d'Occident. Du 23. Mars 1723.
March 23, 1723
King Edward VII, London, England, about 1905
James Russell & Sons
About 1905
Letter from James Francis Edward Stuart, pretender to the throne of England, to his cousin, Cardinal Alessandro Albani
January 20, 1717
A royal letter sent from the King of France to the King of England
February 24, 1641
Letter from a commander presenting John Francis to King Charles 1
March 10, 1643 - 1644
Letter informing the British government and the Company of Rhode Island in New England of the tense political situation between France and England
July 26, 1755
Letter from British officer Henry Paget to his father Edward Paget
May 21, 1838
Letter addressed to Captain Henry Lyman from Clément-Charles Sabrevois de Bleury
June 22,1849
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.