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File - Dairy Farmers of Canada | McCord Museum
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Fédération canadienne des producteurs de lait


Dairy Farmers of Canada
Date [ca. 1950-1961]
Dimensions1 cm of textual records
Object NumberC265/B3.1,6
Scope and Content

This file focusses on advertising campaigns run by the Dairy Foods Service Bureau, a division of the Dairy Farmers of Canada (its activities are now merged with those of the Dairy Bureau of Canada; the resulting integrated structure retained the name Dairy Farmers of Canada). It is composed primarily of eight-page folded leaflets of recipes and tips from a fictional character named Marie Fraser. With the exception of Milk-Mates for Moderns, which offers recipes for donuts, cheese puffs, dessert squares, savoury treats and other snacks that go well with a glass of milk, each recipe booklet focusses on a specific dairy product. For example, Marie Fraser’s Main Dish Magic with Skim Milk Powder is a collection of recipes for dishes containing skim milk powder. This pamphlet also notes that adding this concentrated form of milk is an economical way to increase the nutritional value of meals. Other leaflets focus on sour cream (Marie Fraser’s Company Favorites made with Dairy Sour Cream, Salades et sauces à base de crème sure commerciale), cottage cheese (Cook with Cottage Cheese by Marie Fraser, Recettes au fromage cottage pour l’heure du thé par Marie Fraser), evaporated milk (Marie Fraser’s Dandy Desserts with Evaporated Milk, Sauces pour tous les goûts de Marie Fraser faites au lait évaporé), milk (Plats de légumes délicieux de Marie Fraser faits avec du lait) and butter (Marie Fraser’s Best Butter Cakes, Marie Fraser’s Bazaar Favorites Made with Butter). Marie Fraser’s Ice Cream Sundae Parade and Desserts fabuleux de Marie Fraser à la crème glacée feature desserts made with ice cream and recipes for ice cream toppings and sauces. Two pamphlets are devoted to cheese. One of them, entitled Mets au four par Marie Fraser à base de fromage canadien, focusses on recipes for cheese-based dishes, much like the other leaflets. The other, Marie Fraser's Guide to the World of Canadian Cheese, presents a variety of cheeses found in Canada, listing each type in a table with notes on appearance (colour, texture), the form in which it is sold (rounds, wedges, blocks, slices, in a tub), taste, and common uses. The booklets also offer fun facts and helpful tips on the featured product (how to buy, store, cook, serve, etc.) as well as information about its practical, economical, nutritious or low-calorie qualities, as appropriate.

Finally, the file contains a brochure published circa 1950 entitled Recettes économiques. Le lait double le volume et la valeur nutritive des recettes (Economical recipes. Milk can double the volume and nutritional value of recipes.) This publication aims to offer homemakers an affordable way to prepare nutritious, hearty meals to properly feed an entire family.


Source of supplied title: Based on the creator of the documents.

Physical condition: The cover of the brochure is falling off.

Language: The documents are in English and French.


Last update: March 25, 2019

Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Dairy Bureau of Canada
[ca. 1950]-1984
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.