Skip to main contentBook excerpt - Extracts from the book Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement traduite du grec, par Dom Vincent Thuillier… and other drafts given to Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac | McCord Museum
The Baron of Espagnac was a former brigadier in the French army who fought during the War of Polish Succession (1733-1738) and served under Marshal Maurice de Saxe (1696-1750) during the War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748). He published a number of books on the art of war, his own military campaigns and Marshal De Saxe. The Chevalier de Folard was an officer during Louis XIV’s wars at the turn of the 18th century. He published many annotated editions of classical authors.
Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Book excerpt
Extracts from the book Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement traduite du grec, par Dom Vincent Thuillier… and other drafts given to Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
Dimensions1 textual record ; 38.5 x 25.8 cm
France, Europe
Object NumberS001/A2.3,3.5.1-3
DivisionArchives - Textual Archives
Scope and ContentModified, incomplete and undated handwritten transcription, by an unknown author, from the second volume of Histoire de Polybe, published in 1729 by Jean-Charles de Folard, Chevalier de Folard (1669-1752), and from Campagne de l’armée du roi, en 1747, published in 1747 par Jean Baptiste Joseph d’Amarzit de Sahuguet, Baron of Espagnac (1713-1783).The Baron of Espagnac was a former brigadier in the French army who fought during the War of Polish Succession (1733-1738) and served under Marshal Maurice de Saxe (1696-1750) during the War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748). He published a number of books on the art of war, his own military campaigns and Marshal De Saxe. The Chevalier de Folard was an officer during Louis XIV’s wars at the turn of the 18th century. He published many annotated editions of classical authors.
NotesSource of title: based on the nature of the document.
Physical description: laid paper; dimensions of the three parts:
A2.3,8.4.1: 21 cm (w) x 33.1 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d); A2.3,8.4.2: 25.7 cm (w) x 38.6 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d); A2.3,8.4.3: 25.9 cm (w) x 38.6 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d).
Associated material: A2.3,8.2.
Physical description: laid paper; dimensions of the three parts:
A2.3,8.4.1: 21 cm (w) x 33.1 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d); A2.3,8.4.2: 25.7 cm (w) x 38.6 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d); A2.3,8.4.3: 25.9 cm (w) x 38.6 cm (h) x 0.1 cm (d).
Associated material: A2.3,8.2.
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Extracts from the book Les commentaires de César : Tome 2 given to Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
Drafts about the art of war given to Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
[ca 1750]
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Draft of an account of the 1745 Battle of Fontenoy by Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
Draft of the account of the battle of Raucoux in 1746 by Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
Hand-written extracts from Souvenirs du maréchal Macdonald, duc de Tarente - Part 2
May 25, 1825
Hand-written extracts from Souvenirs du maréchal Macdonald, duc de Tarente – Part 1
May 15, 1825 - June 1, 1825
Accounts of the 1734 battles of Parma and Guastalla by Jean Baptiste Joseph d'Amarzit de Sahuguet, Chevalier d'Espagnac
Hand-written version of Traité de l'attaque et de la defense des places by Sébastien Le Prestre, Marquis de Vauban, and other hand-written treatises
[ca 1742]
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Claude-Charles Bacqueville de la Potherie
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.