Born March 24, 1912, in Lac-Sainte-Marie in the Outaouais region, Maurice Baribeau was the fourth child in a family of six brothers and sisters. His mother, Lucia Lacroix, was a homemaker and his father, Théodore Baribeau, was a shopkeeper who died before the beginning of the Second World War.
Maurice Baribeau began his career as a city councillor, and then started working for the Institut canadien-français d’Ottawa. In 1940, he entered the Elementary Flying Training School in St. Eugene, Ontario, where he garnered attention for his skills as a pilot. After passing his flying test, he became a Class 1 flight instructor in 1942, before joining the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).
He was then sent to the front as a Beaufighter fighter pilot. On September 14, 1944, during a military operation off the coast of Norway, Maurice Baribeau's plane was hit and caught fire. Forced to make an emergency landing, he managed to reach the shore, but his co-pilot did not survive the crash. After finding refuge with a Norwegian family, he was captured the next morning by the German army.
Maurice Baribeau lived as a prisoner of war for more than eight months. Imprisoned at Stalag Luft III, a camp in Sagan, Poland, until January 28, 1945, with no news of his family, he experienced hunger, cold, maltreatment, forced relocation and solitude. February 4, 1945, the prisoners began marching for an entire week in freezing weather to reach Stalag III-A, a camp run by the German army in Luckenwalde. Maurice Baribeau and thousands of other prisoners were finally liberated on April 22, 1945, when the Russian army took over the camp after three days of fighting led by the Allies.
Released into the care of the American army one month later, Maurice Baribeau stayed in a recovery camp before travelling from Germany to England, where he set sail for Halifax, Nova Scotia, on board the Île de France ocean liner. He was reunited his family upon his arrival in July 1945.
Settled in Gatineau, Maurice Baribeau married Yvonne Tessier on May 8, 1946, exactly one year after the end of the Second World War. The couple had three sons: Guy, Rolland and Richard. When Maurice Baribeau retired from the RCAF, he pursued a career as a regional manager with the Canadian Department of Transport. He died at the age of 93 on February 15, 2006, in St. Lambert.
This biographical information about Maurice Baribeau was gleaned from various sources: the family tree provided by his family, the description of his interview on "L’aviation au Québec : une aventure passionnante," a radio show broadcast on Radio-Canada, and all of the archival documents in this fonds.
Scope and Content
The fonds focusses primarily on the experiences of pilot officer Maurice Baribeau during the Second World War, his capture by the German army, and the support provided by government, military and humanitarian organizations to prisoners of war and their families.
In Maurice Baribeau's personal documents and Kriegsgefangenenpost (mail from prisoners of war) received by his family, this archival collection records in detail his plane accident and daily life as a prisoner of war. Letters exchanged between Mrs. Théodore Baribeau (née Lucia Lacroix) and her son's loved ones also reveal the tremendous uncertainty surrounding his fate between September 1944 and May 1945, and the interminable wait for news.
The fonds contains documents associated with Maurice Baribeau's flying career, such as certificates confirming his qualifications, a flight log, thank-you notes from Ontario flying clubs and responses to the war claims applications that the pilot submitted several years after returning to Canada. The personal diary of Maurice Baribeau in this fonds offers a taste of daily life in German-run prison camps and a glimpse into the thoughts of a prisoner of war. The fonds notably includes personal correspondence, such as letters and telegrams sent to the Baribeau family, as well as official correspondence issued by government and humanitarian organizations, which provides examples of their support despite the tremendously uncertain circumstances. The fonds also includes brochures and journals aimed at the loved ones of prisoners. Canadian Red Cross publications, including The Prisoner of War special edition, contain numerous instructions on topics such as sending letters and packages to prisoners. A photograph of Maurice Baribeau with his brother Clovis and a friend, Fred Ranger, taken in Trafalgar Square on June 3, 1945, completes this archival collection.
Classification Scheme
P796/A Military Career
P796/A1 Pilot officer activities
P796/A2 Certification
P796/A3 Finances
P796/A4 Military retirement
P796/A5 War claims
P796/B Imprisonment
P796/B1 Personal documents
P796/B1.1 Prisoner's diary and narrative of crash
P796/B1.2 Correspondence
P796/B1.2,1 Correspondence received by Maurice Baribeau
P796/B1.2,2 Correspondence sent by Maurice Baribeau
P796/B1.2,3 Correspondence received by Mrs. Théodore Baribeau
P796/B1.2,4 Prisoner of war mail (Kriegsgefangenenpost
P796/B2 Government, military and humanitarian organizations
P796/B2.1 Royal Canadian Air Force
P796/B2.2 Department of National Defence
P796/B2.3 Department of National War Services
P796/B2.4 Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives' Association
P796/B2.5 Red Cross
P796/B2.6 German administration
P796/C Publications
P796/C,1 The Prisoner of War (and Prisonnier de guerre)
P796/C,2 Other
P796/D Iconographic Documents
Source of title proper: Based on the creator of the fonds.
Physical description: The iconographic documents include two illustrated postcards, one orthographic projection and one photograph.
Physical condition: Some documents are fragile and the ink on certain documents has faded.
Immediate source of acquisition: The Baribeau family donated the fonds to the McCord Stewart Museum in 2017
Language: The documents are in French, English and German.
Other formats: The donor also provided a DVD containing an inventory of the fonds along with some digitized and transcribed documents
Finding aids: An inventory of the documents is available.
Related records in other fonds: LAC: Harold M. Wright Collection (R15523-0-5-E); Société Radio-Canada Fonds, "L’aviation au Québec : une aventure passionnante" (494397, 494399, 494400).
Related groups of records: The McCord Stewart Museum holds several archival collections associated with the Second World War: the Second World War Collection (C311), the Canadian Prisoner of War Relatives’ Association Fonds (P188), the Corley Family Fonds (P340), the Richard Henry Stevenson Fonds (P681), the Greiner and Schulz Families Fonds (P698), the Will Family Fonds (P621) and the Denman Family Fonds (P802).
Last update: November 5, 2023
Information about the objects in our collection is updated to reflect new research findings. If you have any information to share regarding this object, please email
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.