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A Plan of the City & Fortifications of Louisburg [...] 1745. A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg [...] 1745
John Hinton
(d. 1781)
Inscriptionscartouche, b.g. : A Plan of the / CITY & FORTIFICATIONS OF / LOUISBURG, / from a Survey made by Richard Gridley, / lieu.t Col. of the Train of Artillery in 1745. / This important Fortress was taken on June 1745 / after a siege of 49 Days by Nine Regiments / that were Raised and Equiped in 50 Days in New England / and Commanded by S.r Will.m Pepperill. / Assisted by E. Fleet under the Command of / Commodore Warren, / with the loss of 101 Men kill'd, & 30 that died by sickness. / This Place was afterwards restored to the French / by the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. / Universal Magazine for J. Hinton in Newgate Street.; cartouche, h.d. : A Plan of the / CITY AND HARBOUR OF / LOUISBURG, / with the French Batteries that defended it, / and Those of the English. / Shewing that part of / GABARUS BAY, / in which They Landed, & the Ground on which / They Encamped during the Siege in 1745.; cartouche, b.d. : A Map of / GABARUS BAY, / adjoining to Louisburg.
Médium / Technique
Encre sur papier
Taille douce
Taille douce
DimensionsHauteur : 29,3 cm (11 9/16 po)
Largeur de l'image : 36,2 cm (14 1/4 po)
Largeur : 36,5 cm (14 3/8 po)
Hauteur de l'image : 27 cm (10 5/8 po)
London, Londres, Grand Londres, Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accession1979.165
DivisionArchives - Cartes et plans
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A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Louisbourg in the Island of Cape Breton
Emanuel Bowen
Plan du Port et Ville de Louisbourg, dans l'Isle Royale. Plan de la Ville de Québec. Plan of the Town of Halifax in Nova Scotia. 1756.
Homann Erben
A plan of the Town and Fort of Carillon at Ticonderoga; with the Attack made by the British Army.
Thomas Jefferys
Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.