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Plan of the Town & Fortifications of Montreal or Ville Marie in Canada
Inscriptionslégende : p. 504
References to the annexed fine PLAN and VIEW of MONTREAL in CANADA, (see p. 543.)
To the PLAN.
A. A dry ditch about eight feet deep - B. The town wall, the parapet of which is only about four feet thick, of masonry - C. Marquis de Vaudreuil, the governor general's palace - D. Monsieur de Longueuil's house - E. The fort, only a cavalier, without a parapet.
To the VIEW.
1. The river St. Laurence - 2. St. Peter's river - 3. A bridge over St. Peter's river - 4. M. de Calliere's house - 5. The general hospital - 6. A dry ditch encompassing the town - 7. The Glacis - 8. The small gate - 9. The market gate - 10. St. Mary's gate - 11. Water gate - 12. The Sally-port - 13. The Recollet's convent - 14. The parish church - 15. The nunnery hospital - 16. The Jesuit's church and seminary - 17. The palace of M. de Vaudreuil - 18. M. de Longueuil's house - 19. The citadel - 20. The wharf.
From succint view of the importance of Canada, (1800 miles in length, and 1260 in breadth) it appears, that there are in it 120 out parishes, and about 150 armed men in each parish, one with another; which amount
to 18,000
In Quebec ---- 700
Trois Rivieres ---- 350
Montreal ---- 600
Total 19,650
Médium / Technique
Encre sur papier
DimensionsHauteur : 17 cm (6 11/16 po)
Largeur : 25 cm (9 13/16 po)
Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accession1970.2004
DivisionArchives - Cartes et plans
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.