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Livre de photographies - Canadian Views and Studies by an Amateur | Musée McCord
Canadian Views and Studies by an Amateur
Canadian Views and Studies by an Amateur

Livre de photographies

Canadian Views and Studies by an Amateur
Photographe (1831-1913)
Date 1865
Médium / Technique Carton, papier et tissu
Dimensions32.3 × 45 × 1.8 cm
Origin Montreal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Numéro d'accessionMP-1997.3.14.1-20
CréditDon de la succession de Warda Drummond
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
Canadian Views and Studies by an Amateur, by Alexander Henderson, photographs, 1865
Alexander Henderson
The American Sportsman: Containing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of the Game Birds, and Wild Fowl of America
The American Sportsman: Containing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of the Game Birds, and Wild Fowl of America
Elisha J. Lewis
Notman Picture Book #8, I-7320 to I-8363, 1863
Notman Picture Book #8, I-7320 to I-8363, 1863
William Notman
Photographs of Montreal
Photographs of Montreal
Alexander Henderson
Vers 1869
Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793: With a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country
Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793: With a preliminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country
Alexander MacKenzie
Voyages de Montréal, sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent, à travers le continent d'Amérique du Nord, jusqu'aux océans glacés et Pacifique; dans les années 1789 et 1793
Voyages de Montréal, sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent, à travers le continent d'Amérique du Nord, jusqu'aux océans glacés et Pacifique; dans les années 1789 et 1793
Alexander MacKenzie
Canadian Naturalist, partial eclipse of the sun, published 1869
Canadian Naturalist, partial eclipse of the sun, published 1869
William Notman
Liste de photographies demandées par Robert Bell
Liste de photographies demandées par Robert Bell
Alexander Henderson
Lettres d'Alexander Henderson à Polly Henderson
Alexander Henderson
Canadian Ballads, and Occasional Verses, by Thomas D'Arcy McGee, 1858
Canadian Ballads, and Occasional Verses, by Thomas D'Arcy McGee, 1858
Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Eat more fish. How to prepare cook and serve Canadian fish, and so conserve Canadian beef and bacon for the soldiers at the front
Eat more fish. How to prepare cook and serve Canadian fish, and so conserve Canadian beef and bacon for the soldiers at the front
Office of the King's Printer
View Looking North from the Citadel. Vue prise de la Citadelle, Quebec Views
View Looking North from the Citadel. Vue prise de la Citadelle, Quebec Views
Louis Prudent Vallée

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.