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Plan of part of the Province of Lower Canada
MarquesPlan of part the province of Lower Canada containing the country from the River Montmorency near Quebec upwards as far as any surveys have been hitherto made,that is to St. Regis on the R'r. St. Lawrence, and to the Township of Buckhingham on the R'r. Ottawa, compiled in the Surveyor General's Office in the latter part of the year 1794 & early part of the year 1795 by Messrs. Samuel Gale & John B. Duberger from the undermentioned materials... (details follow)...N.B. This plan is reduced from the original wich was compiled in the Surveyor General's Office on a scale of two miles to one incl. Done in the Engineer's Drawing Room at Quebec by John B. Duberger Draftsman. By Order of his Excellency Lord Dorchester Captain General & Governor in Chief of Provinces of Upper & Lower Canada, &c., &c.
Médium / Technique
Encre sur papier
DimensionsHauteur : 75,5 cm (29 3/4 po)
Largeur de l'image : 150 cm (59 1/16 po)
Largeur : 158,7 cm (62 1/2 po)
Hauteur de l'image : 66 cm (26 po)
London?, Londres ?, Grand Londres, Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accession1970.3049
DivisionArchives - Cartes et plans
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Plan du Port et Ville de Louisbourg, dans l'Isle Royale. Plan de la Ville de Québec. Plan of the Town of Halifax in Nova Scotia. 1756.
Homann Erben
City of Montreal. Parts of St. James, East, Centre, St. Louis and St. Lawrence Wards
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A Plan of the City & Fortifications of Louisburg [...] 1745. A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg [...] 1745
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Plan of the Military & Naval operations under the command of the immortal Wolfe & Vice Admiral Saunders before Quebec
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.