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Plan - City of Montreal. Parts of St. James, East, Centre, St. Louis and St. Lawrence Wards | Musée McCord
City of Montreal. Parts of St. James, East, Centre, St. Louis and St. Lawrence Wards
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City of Montreal. Parts of St. James, East, Centre, St. Louis and St. Lawrence Wards


City of Montreal. Parts of St. James, East, Centre, St. Louis and St. Lawrence Wards
Date 1906
Dimensions46,0 x 73,0 cm
Numéro d'accessionRB-1494.14
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
Looking towards centre section of the city from St. James Street, Montreal, QC, ca. 1935
Looking towards centre section of the city from St. James Street, Montreal, QC, ca. 1935
Harry Sutcliffe
Vers 1935
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St. Malo Ville de la Haute Bretagne située dans L'isle St. Aaron. Carte particulière des environs de St. Malo et des entrées de la Rivière de Dinan comme elles paroissent aux plus Basses Marées.
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The River St Laurence. [Montreal]
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America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings
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A map exhibiting the dark shadow of the moon over England and other parts of Europe, in the five great solar eclipses, of the years 1715, 1724, 1737, 1748 and 1764
Robert Sayer
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North America divided into its principall parts
William Berry
A New map of the North Parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye adjoyning territories of England and Spain
A New map of the North Parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye adjoyning territories of England and Spain
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de Haven van St. Thomas [Havre de Saint-Thomas]
de Haven van St. Thomas [Havre de Saint-Thomas]
St. Malo
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A Map of the Several Dispositions of the English Fleet & Army on the River St. Laurence to the taking of Quebec
Explanatory Sketch of Colonel Gore's Operations at St Denis (with a Chart) 23rd, November, 1837
Explanatory Sketch of Colonel Gore's Operations at St Denis (with a Chart) 23rd, November, 1837
Lord Charles Beauclerk

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.