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His Majesty King George V
Emil Otto Hoppé
Illustrated London News
SignatureL. c. printed below image, FROM THE PORTRAIT BY E. O. HOPPE
Dimensions37.5 x 53.6 cm
Object NumberM16016
DivisionDocumentary Art
CreditGift of Dr. W. D. Lighthall
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An Act to amend and render more effectual Two Acts of the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, relating to Weights and Measures. 13th August 1834
August 13, 1834
By the Lords Justices, a Proclamation For Publishing the Peace between His Majesty and the French King
October 18, 1697
Michilimackinac on Lake Huron. To his Excellency Sir George Prevost Bart Governor General and Commander in Chief of all his Majesties Forces in British America
Thomas Hall
An act for extending the Act of the Twenty second Year of His present Majesty (for amending, explaining, and reducing into One Act of Parliament, the Laws relating to the Government of His Majesty's Ships, Vessels, and Forces by Sea) to such Officers, Seamen, and others, as shall serve on Board His Majesty's Ships , on Vessels employed upon the Lakes, Great Waters, or Rivers, in North America
May 31, 1754 - November 30, 1755
News from Ireland. Being the Examination and Confession of William Kelso, a Scotch Rebel, taken in Ireland, whether he fled, after the defeat of the rebel in Scotland ; Before George Rawdon, Esquire ; One of his Majesties Justice of Peace there. Also A letter from C. Geroge Mac Cartney, Giving account Of several Barks full of Scotch Rebels, seen coming from Scotland to Ireland. Together with a Proclamation set out byt the Duke of Ormond, For their Apprenhension.
June 30, 1679
Certificate of loyalty and grace given to George Wright by His Majesty
September 24, 1722
His Majesties Declaration to all His Loving Subjects, touching on the Causes and Reasons that moved Him to dissolve the two last Parliaments
April 8, 1681
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.