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Letter - Letter from Wilson Becket to Stephen Greenlees | McCord Museum
Lettre de Wilson Becket à Stephen Greenlees
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Lettre de Wilson Becket à Stephen Greenlees
Lettre de Wilson Becket à Stephen Greenlees


Letter from Wilson Becket to Stephen Greenlees
Date October 25, 1937
Dimensions1 textual record ; 27,9 × 21,6 cm
Origin Westmount, Quebec, Canada
Object NumberM2012.79.1.5
CreditGift of Mark W. Gallop This document was digitized thanks to the generous support of Mark W. Gallop
Scope and Content

This letter, dated October 25, 1937, was sent to Stephen Greenlees, at that time secretary of The Westmount Thespians, by Wilson Becket, an inactive member of the group. It addresses topics that had been discussed at the troupe's meetings. In this document, the author indicates that he learned "with disgust and misapprehension" that some recent activities of The Westmount Thespians had been open to the members' "wives and lady friends." Becket shares his apprehensions about allowing the fairer sex to attend such gatherings, fearing that this will ultimately weaken the bonds of friendship among the group. He concludes his missive by asking Greenlees to bring his letter to the attention of the members, "and especially those of them who have been unwise enough to place their lives in the hands of a woman, to ponder deeply on the full, tragic effect of such a policy for the Club."


Source of title proper: Based on the type of document.

Accompanying material: A second letter, dated October 27, 1937, accompanies the document and demonstrates that the letter signed by Wilson Becket was sent to Stephen Greenlees by Robert I. C. Picard, then treasurer of The Westmount Thespians.

Language: The document is in English.

Availability of other formats: This document is also available in PDF format. It was digitized in 2016, as part of the project sponsored by Mr. Mark W. Gallop.


Last update: January 31, 2019

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
News from Ireland. Being the Examination and Confession of William Kelso, a Scotch Rebel, taken in Ireland, whether he fled, after the defeat of the rebel in Scotland ; Before George Rawdon, Esquire ; One of his Majesties Justice of Peace there. Also A letter from C. Geroge Mac Cartney, Giving account Of several Barks full of Scotch Rebels, seen coming from Scotland to Ireland. Together with a Proclamation set out byt the Duke of Ormond, For their Apprenhension.
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Letter from Hugh L. Trimingham to the members of The Westmount Thespians
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.