This scrapbook focusses on Lawrence Sperber's activities as a fashion designer between 1934 and 1951, primarily in Montreal. It contains clippings from Canadian newspapers and magazines, including The Gazette, Style, The Herald, The Standard, The Daily News, Canadian Home, The Montreal Daily Star, The Montrealer, The Vancouver Daily Province, The Globe & Mail, Le Devoir, The London Evening, The Evening Citizen and Montréal-Matin. These clippings include numerous images of Sperber's creations, some presenting events in which he was a participant, and others advertising his dresses. The articles generally discuss the trends of the day and features of the outfits designed by Sperber. Other texts look at the designer's influential role in the fashion industry. The scrapbook also contains a brochure and a dozen photographs of models wearing dresses by Sperber.
Source of title proper: Based on the nature of the document.
Physical description: 47 pages.
Physical condition: The scrapbook showed signs of mildew when it was acquired. It was taken apart and cleaned.
Arrangement: The scrapbook has been taken apart; each sleeve contains the documents that were previously glued onto one page. The original order was preserved.
Language: The document is in English and French, but primarily in English.
Last modification: April 14, 2020
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.