This series pertains to the political, military and social lives of British and French colonists between 1763 and 1791. In particular, it chronicles trade, land negotiations with the Aboriginals, debates about Montreal seigniories and slavery. In addition, this series contains letters about the military attack on Thomas Walker, a proclamation parchment issued by William Johnston and several receipts and genealogies of famous figures of the day.
Source of title proper: Based on the administrative source of the documents.
Physical condition: Some documents are crumbling. There are missing and torn pages.
Language: The documents are in English and French.
Last update: August 30, 2017
Information about the objects in our collection is updated to reflect new research findings. If you have any information to share regarding this object, please email about rights and reproductions is available here.
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.