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Livret - Illustrations of the Historical Ball Given by Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, 17th February, 1896 | Musée McCord
Illustrations of the Historical Ball Given by Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, 17th February, 1896
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Illustrations of the Historical Ball Given by Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, 17th February, 1896


Illustrations of the Historical Ball Given by Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, 17th February, 1896
Date 1896
Dimensions1 document textuel ; 17,1 × 27,7 cm
Origin Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Amérique du Nord
Numéro d'accessionM21227.6
CréditDon de Marion Crawford Reed

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
Illustrations of the Historical Ball Given by Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, 17th February, 1896
Sir John George Bourinot
Ishbel Maria Coutts Marjoribanks, Countess of Aberdeen, costumed as "Constance, Madame de la Tour, wife of Charles de Saint-Etienne, Sieur de la Tour, Governor of Acadia", in the Her Excellency's Court at the Historical Fancy Dress Ball, Montreal, Quebec, 1898
Ishbel Maria Coutts Marjoribanks, Countess of Aberdeen, costumed as "Constance, Madame de la Tour, wife of Charles de Saint-Etienne, Sieur de la Tour, Governor of Acadia", in the Her Excellency's Court at the Historical Fancy Dress Ball, Montreal, Quebec, 1898
Wm. Notman & Son
Ishbel Maria Coutts Marjoribanks, Countess of Aberdeen, costumed as "Constance, Madame de la Tour, wife of Charles de Saint-Etienne, Sieur de la Tour, Governor of Acadia", in the Her Excellency's Court at the Historical Fancy Dress Ball, Montreal, Quebec, 1898
Ishbel Maria Coutts Marjoribanks, Countess of Aberdeen, costumed as "Constance, Madame de la Tour, wife of Charles de Saint-Etienne, Sieur de la Tour, Governor of Acadia", in the Her Excellency's Court at the Historical Fancy Dress Ball, Montreal, Quebec, 1898
Wm. Notman & Son
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.