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Tract - To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, now assembled in Parliament. The humble propositions of William Ball, alias Bennet, Gent. concerning the forts of this Kingdome. With some other Considerations of State. | Musée McCord
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To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, now assembled in Parliament. The humble propositions of William Ball, alias Bennet, Gent. concerning the forts of this Kingdome. With some other Considerations of State.


To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, now assembled in Parliament. The humble propositions of William Ball, alias Bennet, Gent. concerning the forts of this Kingdome. With some other Considerations of State.
Date 1641
Dimensions1 document textuel ; 18,2 x 14,3 cm
Origin London, Londres, Grand Londres, Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accessionS001/B2.1,4.1
Portée et ContenuPropositions de William Ball, alias Bennet, adressées au Parlement d'Angleterre concernant les fortifications du royaume et autres sujets d'État.
NotesSource du titre : Basé sur le titre du document.

Mentions de responsabilité: Barnard Alsop for Thoma's Bayly.

Collation: 18 pages.

Langue du document: Le document est en anglais.
Non exposé

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