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Livre - Houdini's Paper Magic - The Whole Art of Performing With Paper, Including Paper Tearing, Paper Folding and Paper Puzzles | Musée McCord
Houdini's Paper Magic - The Whole Art of Performing With Paper, Including Paper Tearing, Paper Folding and Paper Puzzles
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Houdini's Paper Magic - The Whole Art of Performing With Paper, Including Paper Tearing, Paper Folding and Paper Puzzles


Houdini's Paper Magic - The Whole Art of Performing With Paper, Including Paper Tearing, Paper Folding and Paper Puzzles
Auteur (1874-1926)
Date 1922
Dimensions1 document textuel ; 19,8 × 14,5 cm
Origin États-Unis, Amérique du Nord
Numéro d'accessionM2014.128.721
CréditAchat, grâce à la générosité de La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso
Non exposé

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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.