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Épreuve à la gélatine argentique - Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920 | Musée McCord
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920
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Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920

Épreuve à la gélatine argentique

Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920
Date 1920
Médium / Technique Halogénures d'argent sur papier
Procédé gélatino-argentique
Dimensions10,5 x 7 cm
Numéro d'accessionM2011.
CréditDon de Peter, Paul, Robert et Carolyn Sutcliffe
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, QC, 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel and James Steel Jr. on honeymoon, Earl's Court Exhibition, London, England, 1905
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel and James Steel Jr. on honeymoon, Earl's Court Exhibition, London, England, 1905
Inconnu / Unknown
Elizabeth Mills Wilson and James Cockburn Steel, Scotland, 1904
Elizabeth Mills Wilson and James Cockburn Steel, Scotland, 1904
Inconnu / Unknown
Elizabeth Mills Steel and daughter Janet Huntly Wilson Steel, Montreal, QC, 1907
Elizabeth Mills Steel and daughter Janet Huntly Wilson Steel, Montreal, QC, 1907
Benjamin Chalifoux
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, 1924
Elizabeth Mills Wilson Steel, 1924
Harry Sutcliffe
Elizabeth Mills Steele and friends from Page & Shaw candy factory, Montreal, QC, 1923
Elizabeth Mills Steele and friends from Page & Shaw candy factory, Montreal, QC, 1923
Inconnu / Unknown
Elizabeth Wilson Steel and another woman in rowboat on the Back River, Montreal North, QC, ca. 1910
Elizabeth Wilson Steel and another woman in rowboat on the Back River, Montreal North, QC, ca. 1910
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1910
Trio including Elizabeth Wilson Steel, dressed for winter outing, Montreal, QC, ca. 1910
Trio including Elizabeth Wilson Steel, dressed for winter outing, Montreal, QC, ca. 1910
Albert Dumas
Vers 1910
The Steel family, James, Elizabeth, Janet and Sybella, QC, ca. 1917
The Steel family, James, Elizabeth, Janet and Sybella, QC, ca. 1917
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1917
Elizabeth, James, Sybella and Janet Steel, Westmount, QC, ca. 1912
Elizabeth, James, Sybella and Janet Steel, Westmount, QC, ca. 1912
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1912
Ogilvie Flour Mills, Winniped, Man., copie réalisée en 1920
Ogilvie Flour Mills, Winniped, Man., copie réalisée en 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Copié en 1920
Ogilvie Flour Mills, Fort William, Ont., copie réalsée en 1920
Ogilvie Flour Mills, Fort William, Ont., copie réalsée en 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Copié en 1920

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.