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Plan - [Map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke and Tomhonock Creek...] | Musée McCord
[Map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke and Tomhonock Creek...]
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[Map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke and Tomhonock Creek...]
[Map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke and Tomhonock Creek...]


[Map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke and Tomhonock Creek...]
MarquesManuscript map of the area from Stillwater and Schaghticoke & Tomhonock Creek for the purpose of land survey - referring to compass points of 1684, 1690 & 1766 referring to Henry Van Renselaer, Barent Bradt, Hosiak etc.
Date 1790
Médium / Technique Encre sur papier
DimensionsHauteur : 35,1 cm (13 13/16 po) Largeur : 41 cm (16 1/8 po)
Origin New York, New York, New York, États-Unis, Amérique du Nord
Numéro d'accession1983.731
Non exposé

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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.