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A letter from a Jesuit at Paris, to his correspondent in London; shewing the most effectual way to ruine the Government and Protestant Religion
12 février 1678
A True narrative of that grand Jesuite Father Andrews; who lived at Hardwick in Monmouthshire How he Fled into a Large Wood to Escape Justice. How he came to an Untimely End, and the Manner of his Burial. In a Letter to a Friend in London
2 juillet 1679
News from Heaven. A dialogue between S.Peter and the five Jesuits last hang'd, viz Thomas White, aliàs Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits in England
1 août 1679
A True and Perfect Relation of Elizabeth Freeman of Bishops-Hatfield in the Country of Hertford, of a Strange and Wonderful Apparition Which Appeard to Her several times, and commended Her to declare a Message to His Most Sacred Majesty
24 janvier 1680 - 27 janvier 1680
A help to discourse, a dialogue between a Popish Successour, and a Protestant Parliament
A Narrative of a Strange and Sudden Apparition of an Arch-Angel at the Old-Bayly, on Monday March the Seventh, 1680. English Stile, Betwixt The Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, to the great Astonishment of the Court and all that were present.
7 mars 1680 - 15 mars 1680
A Narrative of the Popish Plot in Ireland, for the Murdering the Protestants There, and the Introducing of Popery, and the Assistance they depended upon from England.
25 mars 1681
A Strange but true account of the Barbarous usage of three young Ladies in France for being Protestants. With a Relation also of their Wonderful Escape from Thence into England.
An Act for the more effectual Retraining and Suppressing of divers notorious Sins and Reformation of the Manners of the People of this Nation
Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.