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49 to 72 of 6,511 results for *
B. Côté
Names: B. Côté
Louis Beaulieu Fontaine
Names: Louis Beaulieu Fontaine
Highlight Pictures
Names: Highlight Pictures
Magicana For Collectors
Names: Magicana For Collectors
E. Lemay
Names: E. Lemay
Affiches Marci
Names: Affiches Marci
Theodore Hardeen
Names: Theodore Hardeen
James Fortier
Names: James Fortier
Harry Mayerovitch
Names: Harry Mayerovitch
Atelier photographique
Names: Atelier photographique
Léon Côté
Names: Léon Cotté
Notman Studio, Halifax, NS
Names: Notman Studio, Halifax, NS
Illustrated London News
Names: Illustrated London News
Natural History Society of Montreal
Names: Natural History Society of Montreal
A. M. Turner
Names: A. M. Turner
Seymour Chwast
Names: Seymour Chwast

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.