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Maison Delamarche

Maison Delamarche

Nom(s)[Maison Delamarche]
Charles-François Delamarche
Names: Charles-François Delamarche
Stewart Collection
Names: Jean-Antoine Nollet
Names: Jumeau
François Gauthier
Names: Gaultier Freres
William Raphael
Names: William Raphael
Charles Grignion
Names: Charles Grignion
Neurdein Frères
Names: Neurdein Frères
Boué Soeurs
Names: Sylvie Montegut
François-Xavier Labelle
Names: François-Xavier Labelle
Louis-Philippe Boitard
Names: Louis-Philippe Boitard
Alexis Hubert Jaillot
Names: Charles Alexis Hubert Jaillot
Valentine and Sons Publishing Company
Names: Valentine and Sons Publishing Company

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.