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Né / Born 1942
Nom(s)[Terry Mosher, Aislin]
Birthplace / Lieu de naissanceOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Eugenie Groh
Names: Eugenie Groh
Charles Kendrick
Names: Charles Kendrick
Working file for Caricature exhibit
Names: Rosen
Éric Godin
Names: Éric Godin
Arthur George Racey
Names: Arthur George Racey
Edward Jump
Names: Edward Jump
J. B. Lippincott & Company
Names: J. B. Lippincott & Company
Edwin Tappan Adney
Names: Edwin Tappan Adney
Adrien Hébert
Names: Adrien Hébert
Names: Rostap
John Charles Alison Heriot
Names: John Charles Alison Heriot

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.