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Image Not Availablefor Katherine Nixon Kinsman
Katherine Nixon Kinsman
Nom(s)[Katherine Bell, Katherine Nixon Kinsman, Kay Kinsman]
Birthplace / Lieu de naissanceLos Angeles, California, United States
Deathplace / Lieu de décèsSherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Names: Eugenie Groh
Names: Parachute
Names: John Colao
Names: Maria Frances Ann Miller
Names: Marie Antoinette Hélène Gilberte Christin
Names: Georgine Strathy
Names: Miss Sophie L. Elliott
Names: Gabriel Desmarais
Names: Sally Eliza Wood
Names: Alice Des Clayes
Names: Berthe Des Clayes
Names: Parachute
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.