Skip to main contentPolitical tract - A serious call to the Corporation of London, to address His M[ajest]y to remove from his Councils and Person forever Weak, and wicked M-----s, &c. Humbly adress'd to the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council and Liverymen of the said City | McCord Museum
Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Political tract
A serious call to the Corporation of London, to address His M[ajest]y to remove from his Councils and Person forever Weak, and wicked M-----s, &c. Humbly adress'd to the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council and Liverymen of the said City
[ca 1755]
Dimensions1 textual record ; 44 x 28.7 cm
ClassificationCommunication Objects - Advertising Media
Object NumberS001/B3.3,7.1
DivisionArchives - Textual Archives
Scope and ContentAnonymous appeal to the Corporation of the City of London suggesting that it persuade the king to remove from his councils those responsible for the failures of the British forces since the start of the Seven Years’ War (1754-1763). The author of this large pamphlet makes numerous insinuations and accusations of corruption and treachery, in an evident effort to incite a sense of patriotic indignation among the British.NotesSource of title: based on the title of the document.
Physical condition: creased.
Language of the document: the document is in English.
Physical condition: creased.
Language of the document: the document is in English.
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Report on the movements of the various councillors sitting on the Royal Councils
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His Worship Médéric Martin, M. L. C. Mayor of Montreal
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A True and Perfect Relation of Elizabeth Freeman of Bishops-Hatfield in the Country of Hertford, of a Strange and Wonderful Apparition Which Appeard to Her several times, and commended Her to declare a Message to His Most Sacred Majesty
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A True narrative of that grand Jesuite Father Andrews; who lived at Hardwick in Monmouthshire How he Fled into a Large Wood to Escape Justice. How he came to an Untimely End, and the Manner of his Burial. In a Letter to a Friend in London
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A letter from a Jesuit at Paris, to his correspondent in London; shewing the most effectual way to ruine the Government and Protestant Religion
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The Matter of Fact A la Mode de France : or the Case stated After the French Manner, In Relation ot the Alliance proposed by the Two Crowns of England and France, With the States of the United Netherlands with Rational Reflections thereon, In a Letter From a Burgher of Amsterdam, to his Friend in the Campagne, Dated January 30. 1630. Englished from the French Copy.
January 30, 1630
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