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Declaration - The Marquis De Grana, the King of Spain's Vice-Roy in the Spanish-Netherlands, his Mandatory Letter to all Commanders, Officers, and Soldiers, to Resist the French, and Repel Force with Force | McCord Museum
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The Marquis De Grana, the King of Spain's Vice-Roy in the Spanish-Netherlands, his Mandatory Letter to all Commanders, Officers, and Soldiers, to Resist the French, and Repel Force with Force


The Marquis De Grana, the King of Spain's Vice-Roy in the Spanish-Netherlands, his Mandatory Letter to all Commanders, Officers, and Soldiers, to Resist the French, and Repel Force with Force
Date October 12, 1683
Dimensions1 textual record ; 32 x 20.6 cm
Origin London, Greater London, England, Europe
Object NumberS001/B2.1,4.9
Scope and ContentEnglish translation of orders aimed at resisting any French invasion issued by the governor of the Spanish Netherlands, Ottone Enrico del Carretto, Marquis of Grana (1629-1685), to his officers. The document preceded the War of the Reunions (1683-1684), which pitted France against Spain and its coalition.
NotesSource of title: Based on the title of the document.

Statement of responsibility: R. Baldwin.

Reproductions: The document is a copy; the original was produced in Brussels.

Physical description: 2 pages.

Language of the document: The document is in English.
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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.