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Wet collodion negative - Darmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, about 1875 | McCord Museum
Darmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, É.-U., vers 1875
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Darmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, É.-U., vers 1875

Wet collodion negative

Darmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, about 1875
Artist (1877-1930)
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
Date 1868-1880
Medium / Technique Silver salts on glass
Wet collodion process
Dimensions20.1 x 25.4 cm
Origin Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Object NumberVIEW-895.A
CreditPurchase, funds graciously donated by Maclean’s magazine, the Maxwell Cummings Family Foundation and Empire-Universal Films Ltd.
Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Applied Science group, McGill College, Montreal, QC, 1875
William Notman Studio
Yale College, Sheffield Scientific School class in library, New Haven, CT, composite, 1872
Yale College, Sheffield Scientific School class in library, New Haven, CT, composite, 1872
William Notman
Prospect Point, Niagara Falls, New York, about 1875
Prospect Point, Niagara Falls, New York, about 1875
J. Lévy & Cie
About 1875
Observation tower on suspension bridge, Niagara Falls, New York, about 1875
Observation tower on suspension bridge, Niagara Falls, New York, about 1875
J. Lévy & Cie
About 1875
Darmouth Lumber Co's Mills, Gaspé, QC, about 1901
Darmouth Lumber Co's Mills, Gaspé, QC, about 1901
William Haggerty
About 1901
Interior of dining car, G.T.R., Montreal, QC, about 1875
William Notman
About 1875
Chapel of Notre Dame de Lourdes, St. Catherine Street, Montreal, about 1875
Chapel of Notre Dame de Lourdes, St. Catherine Street, Montreal, about 1875
Notman & Sandham
New Brunswick Fashionable
New Brunswick Fashionable
Lieutenant John Campbell
About 1834
Indian Dance at Government House, Fredericton, New Brunswick on the 1st of January 1835 at which Major W. N. Orange was present
Indian Dance at Government House, Fredericton, New Brunswick on the 1st of January 1835 at which Major W. N. Orange was present
Lieutenant John Campbell
About 1835
Miss Jessie S. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
Miss Jessie S. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
William Notman Studio
Miss Jessie S. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
Miss Jessie S. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
William Notman
Miss Emma M. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
Miss Emma M. Notman, Montreal, QC, 1875
William Notman

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.