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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Certificate of enrolment of Matthew Pete Ingale of Haverhill, to serve as an infantry soldier in the British army
Certificate of enrolment of David Austin, to serve as an infantry soldier in the Connecticut Provincial Regiment
February 28, 1757
Certificate confirming the service of Matthew Pete Ingale in the British army
March 1, 1759
Certificate of enrolment of Stephen Sawyer, to serve as an infantry soldier in the Massachusetts Provincial Regiment
March 20, 1760
Letter informing the British government and the Company of Rhode Island in New England of the tense political situation between France and England
July 26, 1755
Note from George III accompanying a letter to be forwarded to Mr. de Lancy by Mr. Hammond
March 6, 1799
Response from G. Prevost to Major Grant regarding an invitation to supper
Letter addressed to the mayor of York by John Majoribanks
June 22, 1815
An Act to encourage the inlisting Soldiers into His Majesty's Service, in the intended Expedition against Cape Breton
February 4, 1744
An Act to amend and enforce so much of an Act made in the Nineteenth Year of His Majesty's Reign, as relates to the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland; and restraining the Use of Highland Dress, and to Masters and Teachers of private Schools and Chaplains; and to explain a Clause in another Act made in the same Year, relating to Letters of Orders of Episcopal Ministers in Scotland; and to oblige Persons allowed to carry Arms, and the Directors of the Banks there, and certain Persons belonging to, or practising in the Courts of Session and Justiciary, to take the Oaths; […]
An Act for the better recruiting His Majesty's Forces on the Continent of America; and for the better Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Desertion there.
An Act for the better recruiting His Majesty's Forces on the Continent of America; and for the better Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Desertion there.
An act to enable His Majesty to grant Commissions to a certain Number of Foreign Protestants who have served Abroad as Officers, or Engineers, to act and rank as Officers, or Engineers, in America only, under certain Restrictions and Qualifications
An act for extending the Act of the Twenty second Year of His present Majesty (for amending, explaining, and reducing into One Act of Parliament, the Laws relating to the Government of His Majesty's Ships, Vessels, and Forces by Sea) to such Officers, Seamen, and others, as shall serve on Board His Majesty's Ships , on Vessels employed upon the Lakes, Great Waters, or Rivers, in North America
May 31, 1754 - November 30, 1755
An Act for the better providing suitable Quarters for Officers and Soldiers in His Majesty's Service in North America
May 10, 1768 - January 30, 1774
Receipt delivered to Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe by C. Greenwich Molloy
July 2, 1747
Certificate of loyalty and grace given to George Wright by His Majesty
September 24, 1722
Appointment of Johan Christian Von Hardenberg to the rank of captain lieutenant in the Dragoon Regiment
March 26, 1728 - April 6, 1728
Commission of captain lieutenant in the Queen's Royal Regiment granted to John Hale
December 18, 1794
Commission of captain of Foot in the British infantry granted to John Hale
February 12, 1795
Appointment of John Hale to the position of paymaster of the British army in Canada
December 25,1798
Appointment of John Dixon to the rank of warrant officer in the 15th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery Corps
June 7, 1862 - January 31, 1867 - February 2, 1867
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.