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Fonds - Le Moine Family | McCord Museum
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Famille Le Moine
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Le Moine Family
Date 1849-1955
Dimensions29 cm of textual records. - 967 photographs
Object NumberP761
CreditGift of Mr. Anthony G. Le Moine
Biographical Sketch

The Le Moine family has been linked to the history of Canada since the French Regime. The first Canadian ancestor, Jean Le Moyne (1634-1706), arrived in New France in 1655 and married Marie-Madeleine de Chavigny in Quebec City in 1662. Sometimes called Le Moyne (or Le Moine) des Pins, this lineage is distinct from that of Charles Le Moyne and the Barons of Longueuil.

ALEXANDRE OLIVIER LE MOINE (1818-1883), a notary established in Quebec City, was the husband of Julie Henriette Emelie Massue (1828-1905) and the father of HENRI GASPARD LE MOINE (1848-1934). Le Moine, fils, left Quebec City at the age of 11 to pursue his education in the classics at Collège Sainte-Marie de Montréal [1859-1864]. He completed his final two years of philosophy in another Jesuit institution, St. John's College, Fordham, New York [1865-1866]. Returning to Quebec City in 1866 to study law at Université Laval [1867-1868], he was admitted to the Quebec City Chambre des notaires in 1869 and began his career as a notary. On September 17, 1872, he married Leocadie Emma Renaud (1852-1897), the daughter of successful merchant Jean-Baptiste Renaud. In 1879, he joined his father-in-law in managing "J.B. Renaud and Co.," a business located on St. Paul Street, in Quebec City. The couple had five children, only three of whom reached adulthood.

Following Emma Renaud's death in 1897, in 1901 Henri Gaspard married Margaret Revell (1869-1965) in Philadelphia. The couple had one son, JEAN GASPARD MARICOURT (also known as Jack or John) LE MOINE (1906-1990). Following his mother's death, Jack Le Moine inherited a share of the family fortune, which was divided among several heirs. He spent most of his leisure time sailing the St. Lawrence River and various Quebec lakes.

Scope and Content

This archival fonds chronicles the activities of the Le Moine family from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. It is composed primarily of documents associated with three family members from different generations: Alexandre Olivier Le Moine (1810-1883), Henri Gaspard Le Moine (1848-1934) and John Gaspard Maricourt (Jack) Le Moine (1906-1990).

The fonds contains an account book with a chronological list of the contracts awarded to notary Alexandre Olivier Le Moine between 1852 and 1855, along with the income earned from each contract. The client information recorded in the book suggests that Alexandre O. Le Moine's work focussed mainly on settling estates after a death.

The diaries of Henri Gaspard Le Moine offer a rich, detailed portrait of the young man's daily life over the years. One notebook records his school, family and social activities between 1861 and 1862, when the adolescent was a boarder at Collège Sainte-Marie de Montréal. Having returned to his hometown in 1866, the law student began writing a more personal journal, recording his thoughts, questions and hopes, describing the world around him through his friendships and social activities. In particular, these diaries document his love for Emma Renaud, whom he married in 1872 when he stopped writing in his notebook.

In addition, three journals describe John G. M. Le Moine's hunting, fishing and boating activities on the St. Lawrence River and various Quebec lakes, between 1917 and 1945. They complement the fonds' photo albums, which illustrate the same trips. These accounts chronicle the daily activities of John G. M. Le Moine (also known as Jack): life on board the yacht, the tasks involved in maintaining the ship, the names of the guests accompanying him, the places visited, the animals and fish caught as well as the weapons and equipment used. These documents paint a portrait of a man from the bourgeoisie with no financial worries.

The fonds also includes photographs of Le Moine family members collected in various albums. One of them is signed, as follows: "Emma LeMoine from her affectionate cousin Edward/Xmas 1860." It is composed of portraits the size of calling cards, several drawings, and poems collected by Marie Sophia Emma Le Moine (Montreal, 1848 -- Ottawa, about 1930). Another album, put together by Henri Gaspard Le Moine, contains portraits of his classmates from St. John's College, Fordham, New York. Two other albums, compiled by John G. M. Le Moine, document his annual hunting and fishing trips to various places in Quebec and elsewhere. These photographs depict a lifestyle reserved for a wealthy social class, free from financial obligations.

Classification Scheme

P761 Le Moine Family
P761/A Alexandre Olivier Le Moine
     P761/B Henri Gaspard Le Moine
     P761/C John Gaspard Maricourt (Jack) Le Moine

     P761/D Photographs


Physical condition: The album and notebook bindings are worn, but structurally sound. The diaries also exhibit some visual signs of deterioration that are typical of iron gall ink.


Last update: March 29, 2019

Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
John Gaspard Maricourt (Jack) Le Moine
Diary of Henri Gaspard Le Moine, October 15, 1870, to April 26, 1871
Hunting and fishing journal of John (Jack) Le Moine
Henri Gaspard Le Moine
Alexandre Olivier Le Moine
Diary of Henri Gaspard Le Moine
Diary of Henri Gaspard Le Moine
Baptiste Paradis, Henri G. Le Moine and John G. M. Le Moine, Ouichewan Fishing Club, 1910-1919
Baptiste Paradis, Henri G. Le Moine and John G. M. Le Moine, Ouichewan Fishing Club, 1910-1919
Inconnu / Unknown
Lettre d'érection en Baronnie de la terre Et seigneurie de Longueil en Canada pour le Sr. Charles le Moine.
January 26, 1700
Restaurant Le Caveau
1892-2007, predominant 1965-2007
Le Cercle des Gourmettes international
1948-2006, predominant 1988-2006
Denman Family
1895-2004, predominant 1895-1958
Martin, Gagnon and Grégoire Families

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.