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Toronto Brewing and Malting Company

Toronto Brewing and Malting Company

Nom(s)[Toronto Brewing and Malting Company, Canada Bud Breweries Limited, 1928-1944, Toronto Brewing and Malting Company Limited, 1874-1928]
The National Breweries Limited
Names: The National Breweries Limited
Union Brewery
Names: Brading Breweries Limited
James Inglis
Names: James Inglis
Alfred Meakin Limited
Names: Alfred Meakin Limited
The Canada Games Co.
Names: The Canada Games Co.
Eugenie Groh
Names: Eugenie Groh
Names: Whitman's
Galt, Gieve & Company
Names: Galt, Gieve & Company
Hobson & Sons
Names: Hobson & Sons
Victor Morin
Names: Victor Morin
Albert Alexander Chesterfield
Names: Chesterfield & McLaren
Parker Brothers
Names: Parker Brothers

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.