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Ernest Stevens

Ernest Stevens

born 1870
Nom(s)[International Post Card Co, Ernest Stevens]
Joseph Saint-Denis
Names: Jos. Saint-Denis
Ward & Co
Names: Ward & Co
Frederick George Scott
Names: Frederick George Scott
Marie Antoinette Hélène Gilberte Christin
Names: Marie Antoinette Hélène Gilberte Christin
Louis Gobeille
Names: Louis Gobeille
Enamel Portrait Studio
Names: Enamel Portrait Studio
Charles Olivier Coulombe
Names: Charles Olivier Coulombe
The Valentine & Sons' Publishing Company, Limited
Names: The Valentine & Sons' Publishing Company, Limited
E. Lactance Giroux
Names: E. Lactance Giroux
D. & W. Forrest
Names: D. & W. Forrest
Michel David Armaly
Names: Michel David Armaly

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.