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Boîte à chapeau
John Henderson & Co.
InscriptionsPrinted label to fill ( hand writing) on cover box: To be left at; (hand writing) 30 St Marc ST; For; (handwriting) Dr Davidson ; From JOHN HENDERSON & CO.; wholesale and retail; London Hat and Fur Warehouse, 229 ST. JAMES STREET, Montreal.; Bell Telephone No. 199.;
MarquesPrinted label on side box: Hat and Fur Manufacturers; Established 1834; JOHN HENDERSON & Co.,; MONTREAL. In the centre of label; emblem; Dieu et mon roi.; One medal left: Prizes at provincial Exhibit ns; Exhibition of the works of industry of all Nations MDCCCII. One medal right: Medals at London & Paris; H.R.H. Albert President of the Royal Comission.
Dimensions17,8 cm
ClassificationObjets personnels-Articles personnels-Articles pour le transport et le rangement d’effets personnels
Numéro d'accessionM985X.185.1.1-2
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.