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Tract - Londons Account 44 : Or, a Calculation of the Arbytrary and Tyrannicall Exactions, Taxations, Impositions, Excises, Contributions, Subsidies, Twentieth Parts; and other Assessements, within the Lines of Communications, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. What the total summe amounts unto, What hath beene disbursed out of it, and what remaines in the Accomptants hands. | Musée McCord
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Londons Account 44 : Or, a Calculation of the Arbytrary and Tyrannicall Exactions, Taxations, Impositions, Excises, Contributions, Subsidies, Twentieth Parts; and other Assessements, within the Lines of Communications, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. What the total summe amounts unto, What hath beene disbursed out of it, and what remaines in the Accomptants hands.


Londons Account 44 : Or, a Calculation of the Arbytrary and Tyrannicall Exactions, Taxations, Impositions, Excises, Contributions, Subsidies, Twentieth Parts; and other Assessements, within the Lines of Communications, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. What the total summe amounts unto, What hath beene disbursed out of it, and what remaines in the Accomptants hands.
Date 1647
Dimensions1 document textuel ; 18,5 x 13,8 cm
Origin Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accessionS001/B2.2,4.1
Portée et ContenuTract dénoncant les taxes importantes qu'ont dû subir les habitants de Londres depuis les quatre dernières années dans le cadre de la Première guerre civile anglaise (1642-1646).
NotesSource du titre : Basé sur le titre du document.

Collation: 12 pages.

Langue du document: Le document est en anglais.
Non exposé

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