Skip to main contentLettre - News from Ireland. Being the Examination and Confession of William Kelso, a Scotch Rebel, taken in Ireland, whether he fled, after the defeat of the rebel in Scotland ; Before George Rawdon, Esquire ; One of his Majesties Justice of Peace there. Also A letter from C. Geroge Mac Cartney, Giving account Of several Barks full of Scotch Rebels, seen coming from Scotland to Ireland. Together with a Proclamation set out byt the Duke of Ormond, For their Apprenhension. | Musée McCord
Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
News from Ireland. Being the Examination and Confession of William Kelso, a Scotch Rebel, taken in Ireland, whether he fled, after the defeat of the rebel in Scotland ; Before George Rawdon, Esquire ; One of his Majesties Justice of Peace there. Also A letter from C. Geroge Mac Cartney, Giving account Of several Barks full of Scotch Rebels, seen coming from Scotland to Ireland. Together with a Proclamation set out byt the Duke of Ormond, For their Apprenhension.
30 juin 1679
Dimensions1 document textuel ; 30,1 x 19,6 cm
Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accessionS001/B2.1,3.4
DivisionArchives - Archives textuelles
Portée et ContenuCe document comprend trois lettres au sujet des rebelles d'Écosse.NotesSource du titre : Basé sur le titre du document.
Collation : 4 pages.
Langue du document : Le document est en anglais.
Collation : 4 pages.
Langue du document : Le document est en anglais.
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A Narrative of the Popish Plot in Ireland, for the Murdering the Protestants There, and the Introducing of Popery, and the Assistance they depended upon from England.
25 mars 1681
The Copie of a Letter from Paris, the 24. Jun. 4. Jul. 1642. Upon the subject of the conspiracie : For which the Marquesse of Sainct Mars, great Esquire of France, Monsieur de Thou, Councellour of State, and Monsieur de Chavagnac, are kept in prison. With another Copie of a Letter from Narbon, serving to the clearing of the businesse : Wherein may be seen the marvellous deliverance of France, and of her Confederates or Friends, but especially of England, involved in that plot.
24 juin 1642 - 4 juillet 1642
A Strange but true account of the Barbarous usage of three young Ladies in France for being Protestants. With a Relation also of their Wonderful Escape from Thence into England.
An Act for surveying the Chief Ports and Head Lands on the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Islands and Plantations thereto belonging, in order to the more exact Determination of the Longitude and Latitude thereof
An Act for surveying the Chief Ports and Head Lands on the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Islands and Plantations thereto belonging, in order to the more exact Determination of the Longitude and Latitude thereof
Insigne commercial de Ireland Gay & Co., importateurs de quincaillerie
John Henry Walker
A. H. Ireland et une dame, Montréal, QC, 1876
William Notman Studio
Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.