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Dessin - "His Bride and his Darling to be..."  | Musée McCord
"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 
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"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 
"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 


"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 
Dessinateur (1919 - 2017)
SignatureOn front, handwritten within image, c.: Groh
InscriptionsOn front, handwritten, u.r.: 342 / Gazette / Feb / 16; on front, handwritten, l.c.: 5/5 Gazette; on front, handwritten, l.r.: 5495; on front, stamped, l.r.: EATONS / EATONS / EATONS; on back, handwritten, c.: Feb/23
Période Fin 20e siècle
Origin Montreal
Numéro d'accessionM2017.114.201.2
CréditDon de Catherine and John Tyhurst
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 
"His Bride and his Darling to be..." 
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.