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Chic Is The Woman Who Wears A Snood... Chic Is the Man Who Says "Wow !"
Eugenie Groh
(1919 - 2017)
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
InscriptionsOn front, printed on newsprint paper, u.r.: THE GAZETTE, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1964 / EATON'S; on front, printed on newsprint paper, c.: Chic is the woman who wears a nood... / Chic is the man who says "Wow!" / Fashion Forecast: The Snood (in its various dis- / guises the turban, the cap, the beret, the rectangulair / hat). Expert travaillers, stunning covers-ups, hiding the / hair, framing the face...dextrous fingers mold them / into a number of flattering shapes. [...]; on front, printed on newsprint paper, b.: [...] M. to 6.00 P.M. [...]; on front, printed on newsprint paper, l.r.: THE / T. EATON C° / OF MONTREAL / LIMITED; on back, printed on newsprint paper: [...]
Milieu 20e siècle
Numéro d'accessionM2017.114.61
DivisionArt documentaire
CréditDon de Catherine and John Tyhurst
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.