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Rappi Makes a Soft Landing
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Rappi Makes a Soft Landing
Rappi Makes a Soft Landing

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Rappi Makes a Soft Landing
Dessinateur (1919 - 2017)
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
InscriptionsOn front, printed on newsprint paper, l.c.: RAPPI / MAKES/ A SOFT LANDING / Moonwhite, lace and ruflles - new / surface happenings making a summer / arrivel fot the world of festive galas. / White as whipcream, designed for moonlife, / for after-dark when the light that shines / is stardust in your eyes. Launched by the / sophisticated hand of Rapppi; from the designers / collection in Eaton's NEW ORLEANS TOWN HOUSE, / Third Floor Downtoen. / [...] / EATON'S
Période Fin 20e siècle
Origin Montreal
Numéro d'accessionM2017.114.173
CréditDon de Catherine and John Tyhurst
Non exposé

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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.