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Tierce - Have You Heard That Eaton's Is Having A "British Food Fortnight ? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know ! | Musée McCord
Have You Heard That Eaton's Is Having A "British Food Fortnight ? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know !
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Have You Heard That Eaton's Is Having A "British Food Fortnight ? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know !
Have You Heard That Eaton's Is Having A "British Food Fortnight ? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know !


Have You Heard That Eaton's Is Having A "British Food Fortnight ? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know !
Dessinateur (born 1931)
Dessinateur (1919 - 2017)
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
InscriptionsOn front, printed on newsprint paper, c.: Have You Heard That EATON'S Is Having a "British / Food Fortnight? It's Really A Marvellous Idea, You Know! / [...]; on front, printed on newsprint paper, l.c.: EATON'S
Période Milieu 20e siècle
Origin Montreal
Numéro d'accessionM2017.118.492
CréditDon de Georgine Strathy
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
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It's the boutiques that make Eaton's just a little different
Georgine Strathy
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Georgine Strathy
From Eaton's to You... a little something to wrap up that last-minute gift. Merry Christmas !
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Georgine Strathy
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Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.