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Plan - Plan of the attack against Fort Louis, now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the Island of Guadaloupe 1760 | Musée McCord
Plan of the attack against Fort Louis, now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the Island of Guadaloupe 1760
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Plan of the attack against Fort Louis, now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the Island of Guadaloupe 1760
Plan of the attack against Fort Louis, now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the Island of Guadaloupe 1760


Plan of the attack against Fort Louis, now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the Island of Guadaloupe 1760
Cartographe (17..?-1763)
Artiste (about 1719 - 1771)
Inscriptionscartouche: Plan / of the attack against / Fort Louis now Fort George, / at Point à Pitre on the / Island of Guadaloupe : By a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships of War, detached from / Commodore MOORE, & Commanded by Capt Wm HARMAN, / on the 14 February 1759 / DRAWN on the Spot by LIEUT. COL. RYCAUT of the MARINES.; b. d.: 1760 Published by Tho Jeffery Gographer to his Royal Highnes the Prince of Wales near Charing Cross London Price.
Date 1760
Médium / Technique Encre sur papier
Taille douce colorée à la main
DimensionsHauteur : 34,7 cm (13 11/16 po) Largeur de l'image : 46,2 cm (18 3/16 po) Largeur : 51,5 cm (20 1/4 po) Hauteur de l'image : 32 cm (12 5/8 po)
Origin London, Londres, Grand Londres, Angleterre, Europe
Numéro d'accession1979.162
Non exposé

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