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Épreuve à la gélatine argentique - Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908 | Musée McCord
Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908
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Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908

Épreuve à la gélatine argentique

Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
Période 20e siècle
Médium / Technique Halogénures d'argent sur papier
Procédé gélatino-argentique
Dimensions16,4 × 21,5 cm
Numéro d'accessionM2014.128.702.144
CréditAchat, grâce à la générosité de La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso
Non exposé

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Collections en ligne | Musée McCord - Musée d’histoire sociale de Montréal
Harry Sutcliffe in field, holding paint can, QC, ca. 1916
Harry Sutcliffe in field, holding paint can, QC, ca. 1916
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1916
Poster for "Can the Dead Speak to the Living?," an expose by Harry Houdini at the Emery Auditorium (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Poster for "Can the Dead Speak to the Living?," an expose by Harry Houdini at the Emery Auditorium (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Inconnu / Unknown
after 1977
Chariot de livraison no 13 de la Guaranteed Pure Milk Company, Montréal, QC, 1908
Chariot de livraison no 13 de la Guaranteed Pure Milk Company, Montréal, QC, 1908
Lee & Sargent
Vers 1908
Portrait of Harry Houdini, Willard Greene and an unidentified man, about 1920
Portrait of Harry Houdini, Willard Greene and an unidentified man, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1920
Portrait of Frank Ducrot, Frederick Eugene Powell, Harry Houdini and Thomas Nelson Downs, about 1920
Portrait of Frank Ducrot, Frederick Eugene Powell, Harry Houdini and Thomas Nelson Downs, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1920
Harry Houdini in white trunks escapes from his handcuffs and his leg irons, about 1906
Harry Houdini in white trunks escapes from his handcuffs and his leg irons, about 1906
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini, wrapped in chains, prepares to plunge into water, about 1911
Harry Houdini, wrapped in chains, prepares to plunge into water, about 1911
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in bathing suit, ready to leap in water, about 1905
Harry Houdini in bathing suit, ready to leap in water, about 1905
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in chains performance, about 1899
Harry Houdini in chains performance, about 1899
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in front of a bookcase, about 1920
Harry Houdini in front of a bookcase, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry and Beatrice Houdini at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Monte Carlo, about 1913
Harry and Beatrice Houdini at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Monte Carlo, about 1913
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini and Anna Eva Fay looking at crystal ball, about 1926
Harry Houdini and Anna Eva Fay looking at crystal ball, about 1926
Inconnu / Unknown

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.