Skip to main contentÉpreuve à la gélatine argentique - Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908 | Musée McCord 
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Épreuve à la gélatine argentique
Harry Houdini with the Milk Can, about 1908
Inconnu / Unknown
SignatureNon signé / Unsigned
20e siècle
Médium / Technique
Halogénures d'argent sur papier
Procédé gélatino-argentique
Procédé gélatino-argentique
Dimensions16,4 × 21,5 cm
Numéro d'accessionM2014.128.702.144
CréditAchat, grâce à la générosité de La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso
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Harry Sutcliffe in field, holding paint can, QC, ca. 1916
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1916
Poster for "Can the Dead Speak to the Living?," an expose by Harry Houdini at the Emery Auditorium (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Inconnu / Unknown
after 1977
Chariot de livraison no 13 de la Guaranteed Pure Milk Company, Montréal, QC, 1908
Lee & Sargent
Vers 1908
Portrait of Harry Houdini, Willard Greene and an unidentified man, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1920
Portrait of Frank Ducrot, Frederick Eugene Powell, Harry Houdini and Thomas Nelson Downs, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Vers 1920
Harry Houdini in white trunks escapes from his handcuffs and his leg irons, about 1906
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini, wrapped in chains, prepares to plunge into water, about 1911
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in bathing suit, ready to leap in water, about 1905
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in chains performance, about 1899
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini in front of a bookcase, about 1920
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry and Beatrice Houdini at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Monte Carlo, about 1913
Inconnu / Unknown
Harry Houdini and Anna Eva Fay looking at crystal ball, about 1926
Inconnu / Unknown
Ce projet est rendu possible grâce au généreux soutien de la Fondation Azrieli et de Patrimoine canadien.