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Pas d’image disponible pour Crucifix
Sculpture gravée
Inconnu / Unknown
InscriptionsNumbered sticker is over part of what has been written on the bottom of the base in ink; the legible portion reads: "Au Pere General 13 au P.L. Girard OMI"
MarquesTwo stickers (one has peeled off and the other is almost off).
First one has the number "734"; second one seems to be the stamp of a missionary order (not the omi?) and says: "Evangelizare pauperibus misit me" around the top half of a circle; "Pauperes evangelizantue" around the bottom half of the circle; "OMJ" in the middle of the circle underneath a crucifix; and "L.J.-C. et M.I." on the bottom of the stamp, outside of the circle.
Médium / Technique
Ivoire, clou en métal
Dimensions18,6 x 8,3 x 4,7 cm
ClassificationMoyens d'expression-Arts-Arts visuels
CultureAutochtone : Inuit
Geocultural Area
Numéro d'accessionM2006.48.347.1-2
CréditDon des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée
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