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Pyro Studio

Pyro Studio

Nom(s)[Scroggie Ltd., Pyro Studio]
W. H. Scroggie Limited
Names: W. H. Scroggie Limited
The Sears Studio
Names: The Sears Studio
Madame Such
Names: Mad. Such
Such & Co.
Names: Such & Co.
James Inglis
Names: James Inglis
Jacques Lax
Names: Jacques Lax
Rice Studio Limited
Names: Charles Parker Rice
J. & T. Bell Boot & Shoe Co.
Names: J. & T. Bell Boot & Shoe Co.
James George Parks
Names: James George Parks
Mad. J. Nadon
Names: Mad. J. Nadon
John Lambert
Names: John Lambert
François Joseph Henri Richard
Names: Henry Richard

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.