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Frederick Walford

Frederick Walford

Nom(s)[Fred. Walford, Frederick Walford]
Alfred Grabham Walford
Names: A. G. Walford
Summerhayes & Walford
Names: Summerhayes & Walford
Robert Edmund Jefferies Summerhayes
Names: Robert Edmund Jefferies Summerhayes
Samuel C. Hawksett
Names: Samuel C. Hawksett
Smeaton's Photographic Gallery
Names: C. & J. Smeaton artists and photographers
Jules-Isaï Benoit dit Livernois
Names: Jules-Isaï Benoit dit Livernois
James Inglis
Names: James Inglis
George Albert Burkhardt
Names: George Albert Burkhardt
Napoleon Joseph Mongeau
Names: Napoleon Joseph Mongeau
William Burton Finley
Names: William Burton Finley

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.