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Élie Gendron

Élie Gendron

1883 - 1953
Nom(s)[Élie Gendron]
Birthplace / Lieu de naissanceBeauharnois, Quebec, Canada
Joseph Arthur Homier
Names: Joseph Arthur Homier
Witness Publishing House
Names: Witness Press
Charles MacMunn
Names: Charles MacMunn
George Charles Arless senior
Names: George Charles Arless senior
John Arthur Fraser
Names: John Arthur Fraser
John Peter Taylor
Names: John Peter Taylor
Stanley G. Triggs
Names: Stanley G. Triggs
The Sears Studio
Names: The Sears Studio
E. C. Landon
Names: E. C. Landon

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.