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Garnier Frères

Garnier Frères

Nom(s)[Garnier Frères]
Nicolas Bion
Names: Nicolas Bion
William Raphael
Names: William Raphael
Digitized under wrong filename. Filename should read 1978.507
Names: Pierre Vander Aa
Alice Des Clayes
Names: Alice Des Clayes
Berthe Des Clayes
Names: Berthe Des Clayes
Studio B. J. Hebert
Names: Studio B. J. Hébert Enregistré
Bénoni Joseph Hébert
Names: Bénoni Joseph Hébert
Adrien Hébert
Names: Adrien Hébert
Joseph Bouchette
Names: Joseph Bouchette
Marie Antoinette Hélène Gilberte Christin
Names: Marie Antoinette Hélène Gilberte Christin
J. & T. Bell Boot & Shoe Co.
Names: J. & T. Bell Boot & Shoe Co.

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.