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Benjamin Chalifoux

Benjamin Chalifoux

Nom(s)[Benjamin Chalifoux]
Benjamin Chalifoux
Names: Benjamin Chalifoux
John Russel Millar
Names: Russ Millar
J. Stanislas Daigneault
Names: J. Stanislas Daigneault
George Albert Snider
Names: Goe A. Snyder
Jean Dallaire
Names: Jean Dallaire
Jean-Marie Tessier
Names: Jean-Marie Tessier
de la Haye Studios
Names: de la Haye Studios
Albert Théophile Rostan
Names: A. T. Rostan
Vilmont Robitaille
Names: V. Robitaille
Supreme Studio
Names: Supreme Studio
Albert Alexander Chesterfield
Names: Chesterfield & McLaren

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.