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Félicien Lévesque

Félicien Lévesque

Nom(s)[Félicien Lévesque]
Birthplace / Lieu de naissanceRivière-du-Loup, Quebec, Canada
Michel Robichaud
Names: Michel Robichaud
William Raphael
Names: William Raphael
Stanislas Belle
Names: Stanislas Belle
John Lambert
Names: John Lambert
Hormidas Thibert
Names: Hormidas Thibert
Richard Hunt
Names: Richard Hunt
Harry Sutcliffe
Names: Harry Sutcliffe
Tim Paul
Names: Tim Paul
Arthur George Racey
Names: Arthur George Racey
Jules-Isaï Benoit dit Livernois
Names: Jules-Isaï Benoit dit Livernois
Aziz George Nakash
Names: Aziz George Nakash
Nakash Studio
Names: Nakash Studio

This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.