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Treaty - To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall Come Massahacs, Caemschack and Machatawe native owners and only proprietors of lands and woodlands hereafter mentioned called Schaahkook [ou "Copy of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37 = y of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37" ?] | McCord Museum
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To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall Come Massahacs, Caemschack and Machatawe native owners and only proprietors of lands and woodlands hereafter mentioned called Schaahkook [ou "Copy of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37 = y of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37" ?]


To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall Come Massahacs, Caemschack and Machatawe native owners and only proprietors of lands and woodlands hereafter mentioned called Schaahkook [ou "Copy of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37 = y of the Indian Deed of Schaghticoke July 1 1707 N.0 37" ?]
Date July 1, 1707
Dimensions1 textual record ; 31.3 x 21.8 cm
Origin Albany, United States, North America
Object NumberS001/D1.3,3.1.1-2
Scope and ContentIn 1686 the charter of the city of Albany (The Dongan Charter) gave the mayor, the aldermen and the city of Albany the right to purchase and patent land surrounding the city that belonged to the Indigenous Schaghticoke nations. In the late 17th century Albany’s Dutch settlers began lobbying to acquire this land. In 1698 landowner Hendrick van Rensselaer (1667-1740) purchased and patented a huge part of the territory belonging to the Indigenous people, thereby upsetting the city’s plans. After an out-of-court agreement was reached,  Van Rensselaer ceded his patent to the city the following year.

This document is a copy of the deed by which the Schaghticoke Indigenous people sold their land to the city of Albany on July 1, 1707, in exchange for a few goods. The deed stipulates that the Schaghticoke would receive other goods on an annual basis. The marks of the Six Nations of the Schaghticoke appear on the document, along with the signatures of the aldermen present. The arrival of new settlers in the succeeding years made cohabitation between the two communities difficult, and the Schaghticoke would be forced to quit the region in the mid-18th century to join their Indigenous allies in the colony of Canada, in New France.
NotesSource of title: based on the title of the document.

Signatures and inscriptions: the marks of the Indigenous signatories Caemskaek, Machatawe and Mashahaes serve as signatures; the document was also signed by a judge and a sheriff.

Physical description: 2 pages.

Language of the document: the document is in English.
Not on view

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Online Collections | McCord Museum - Montreal Social History Museum
Know all men by these presents that who underwritten Mashahacs and Machatawe Indian owners and native proprietors [ou "Indian Deed of Schaghticoke Dated 28 feb. 1706/7 N.0 36 = Indian Deed of Schaghticoke Dated 28 feb. 1706/7 N.0 36" ?]
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June 25, 1707
House of Hanover (1707-1901)
Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Qui Ordonne que les Articles III. De la Declaration du six Decembre 1707. & XXX. De celle du premier Aoust 1721. seront executez selon leur forme & teneur ; Et que le Regisseur du Tabac sera dispensé de faire déposer aux Greffes des Elections, Greniers à Sel, Juridictions des Traites, & autres Sieges, des Tableaux contenant les noms de ses Commis, &c. Du onze Octobre 1729.
October 11, 1729
Arrest de la Cour des Aydes, Qui ordonne l'execution de l'article IX. De la Declaration du 6. decembre 1707. Recoit le Fermier appellant de deux Sentences renduës en l'Election de Guise, les 25. fevrier & 4. mars 1739. Luy permet d'intimer sur iceluy, qui bon luy semblera : Deffend de mettre lesdites Sentences à execution, à peine de nullité, de mille livres d'amende, despens, dommages & interests : Deffend pareillement à tous Greffiers, Huissiers & Geoliers, de faire élargir, ni d'élargir les prisonniers, en vertu d'aucun jugement, quand il leur aura esté justifié de l'appel du Fermier, dans les vingt-quatre heures de la signification des jugemens, […] Du 21. Mars 1739.
March 21, 1739
Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, Le premier, Ordonne que les Articles I. & XLI. Des Déclarations des six Decembre 1707. & premier Aoust 1721. celle du premier Mars 1723. ensemble l'Arrest du Conseil du 20. Mars 1725. seront executez selon leur forme & teneur ; en consequence condamne les Elûs de la Rochelle, solidairement au profit du Fermier, en 1000. livres de dommages & interests pour chacune contravention en moderation d'amende : Ordonne la confiscation du Tabac saisi sur le nommé Baslin & sa femme, le condamne aussi en l'amende de 1000. livres. Le second déboute ledit Baslin & sa femme de l'opposition y formée, & ordonne qu'il sera executé. Des 11. Mars & 24. Juin 1727.
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This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.