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Natural as a summer tan - surest way to longer wear
Georgine Strathy
(born 1931)
SignatureOn front, handwritten on image, l.r.: georgine
InscriptionsOn front, printed on board, c.: KAYSER / GUARDIEN ANGEL / SEAMLESS / Natural* as a summer tan surest way to longer wear / * not a ghost of a seam; on back, handwritten, u.l.: artist - Georgine Strathy (PLEASE RETURN- 3553 DUROCHERS ST., MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA / layout - Trevor Hall / art director - Bill Sherman / Sherman Laws and Partners, Toronto, Ont.
Milieu 20e siècle
Dimensions27.9 × 53.4 cm
ClassificationCommunication Objects - Advertising Media
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Object NumberM2017.118.280
DivisionDocumentary Art
CreditGift of Georgine Strathy
Not on viewInformation about the objects in our collection is updated to reflect new research findings. If you have any information to share regarding this object, please email about rights and reproductions is available here.
Feminova by the Sea... with Tan Jay and "Fortrel"- A Colourful Blend !
Georgine Strathy
This project is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Azrieli Foundation and Canadian Heritage.